Preaching Christ in a Postmodern World: Expounding Christ in the Wisdom Literature

By Edmund Clowney

Three divisions made in the OT: counsel, law, prophecy- Ezek 7:26, Jer 18:18

Wisdom: man through YHWH must use knowledge to solve lifes problems
The wise man is the knowledgeable man

Proverbs is the documentation of instruction against folly

1 Kings 4 helps us to understand the view of wisdom in Israel.

Meditation on the law brings:
1) Praise
Rejoicing in God’s revelation

2) Wisdom
Reflection on how the teaching of scripture applies to life

Wisdom is concerned firstly with knowing the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the knowledge of God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of understanding.
Paul’s prayer is for a Spirit and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Eph 1:17). Wisdom is the key to understanding the wisdom of the Lord in Paul’s theology.

The gift of wisdom enables us to analyse scripture and apply it properly to a situation.

Most parallels in the Psalms and wisdom literature are not to be equated.

Older men need to disciple younger men in wisdom.

The theology of wisdom in the OT
1) Objective: understanding
God’s wisdom: Prov 9:10. Wisdom is the understanding of God and the companion of God. Prov 8:22 talks about the attribute of God personified. God’s wisdom is the source of all creation.

2) Subjective: The fear of the Lord
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
Worship puts things in perspective.

Christ is the Lord of Wisdom
Wisdom points to the promise in the unresolved issues it points us too.
Wisdom is a Christological testimony: wisdom tells us that there must be something better.
Job was searching for wisdom (Job 29). The search ends in Jesus Christ. He is for us wisdom from God.
Wisdom is the commitment of faith. Peter’s faith is the wisdom on which the church is founded.


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