Biblical Theology 8: Biblical Theology of the Gospels 4

Biblical Theology of Jesus and the Gospels- survey in Matthew contd

Rev 11- the church is called two witnesses.
  • 2 is the number that is valid to be a witness in Israel. There are only 2 faithful churches in Revelation
  • These witnesses are modeled on Jesus. See GK Beale commentary. 
  • Do not be surprised when fiery trials come because we go where Jesus goes. We get to draw near to God in the trial.
Matthew 8:18-31
  • first sea episode
  • v19 'teacher' is used by the religious rulers trying to trap Jesus OR is used by those who have no commitment eg the rich young ruler
    • this man is attracted by the miracles of Jesus. Jesus tells him the truth and tells him that it will be tough 'the son of man has no where to lay his head'
    • Jesus doesn't have the privileges of the creatures that he has created!
  • 'Let the dead bury their own dead' - the true family IS the family of God
  • When Jesus says 'be quiet' to the wind and the waves, he is talking alluding the the forces of evil that he encounters in v28-34. Jesus is sleeping which shows faith. David slept while his enemies were defeated. 
  • Jesus is the son of man who doesn't have the comforts of his creation
  • Psalm 107:24- for God spoke and rose up a stormy wind, the sailors were distressed and God quietens the storm. Jesus is YHWH who calms the storm. 
Matthew 9:1-8
  • Healing of the paralytic. Said to be parabolic like method of the OT prophets. 
  • Offerings in the OT were the way Israel was forgiven. Jesus is saying that he is the holy of holy's. He is the essence of the temple. He is able to forgive sins. 
  • He is exercising his authority as the Son of Man (Dan 7:14- SoM has authority to forgive sins)
  • The people glorify God as predicted in Dan 7. 
  • Parallel to John 5:21- The son gives his life to whom he wishes- so that all may honour the Son. V26 referring to the father giving the son life (resurrection). Authority to forgive and judge
Rest of Matthew 9
  • restoration of creation through miracles
Matthew 10
  • he appointed twelve disciples- Jesus is re-establishing the tribes of Israel
  • Chap 10:6- the followers were first to preach to Israel. Fulfillment of Is 49:6 
  • Parallel with Luke 10 and Jesus sending out the 72.
    • Why 72? Same number (also could be 70) as seen in Gen 10- table of nations. 
    • Jesus is bringing back the humanity that had been scattered in Gen 11 with babel. Jesus is regathering. 
    • Lambs in the midst of wolves- the mission is tough
    • The 72 come back rejoicing because demonic chains are being loosened
  • The main mark of the true Israelite is taking the message to the nations. 
    • Paul talks about having 'the mark' at the end of Galatians. He went to the ends of the earth and suffered for His name. Paul is making the point that this is not about circumcision. 
Matthew 11- John the Baptist
  • V10 quotation from Isaiah 40. John is announcing the start of the restoration of Israel. 
  • V11- John is the last official representative of the OT age.There was none greater than John for the OT age.
  • We are now greater than John as we are able to interpret greater revelation - Matthew 13:16-17
  • V12 'violent men take the Kingdom by force' What does this mean?
    • Best translation: the kingdom of God exercises it's force or makes it's way powerfully
    • Jesus is using hyperbole 
    • To respond to the Kingdom we need a powerful reaction
  • V14 John the Baptist is the fulfillment of the Elijah promised at the first coming
  • V20-24 Jesus' first indictment on the city. Jesus affirms degrees of judgement in hell 'more bearable from Tyre and Sidon'
  • V28-30 - 'come to me all who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest'
    • In the 10 commandments, the only command containing 'remember' is the sabbath command. Likely because they were already keeping the sabbath given that the pattern was ordained at creation.  
    • The rest in these verses is promised in Jeremiah 31:25: For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish. 
    • Jeremiah talks about people not having rest for their souls because of exile
    • Adam's sabbath was meant to signal to final rest. Jesus entered into final rest after his resurrection. He is introducing this final rest now (v28-30)
    • Jeremiah 6- there is no rest for their souls because of lack of faithfulness. Jesus is introducing rest.
Now in chapter 12, Jesus introduces the Sabbath!
  • Reference to David (when he was on the run in the time of Saul) who was King but his Kingdom was not fully inaugurated- just like Jesus.
  • The Sabbath was a mark of Israel- Jesus redefines the Sabbath. 
  • Jesus appeals to himself as the one who is greater than the sabbath and he temple. Rest is found in him, not just a particular day. 
  • v46 'whoever does the will of my Father... is my brother and sister and mother'
    • Jesus is the apple of God's eye and those who are in Christ are also the apple of God's eye. The focus is off national Israel.
  • What we do on the first day of the week is in anticipation of our eternity. Jesus' resurrection changes the day of the Sabbath to Sunday. 
  • 12:18-21 Jesus quotes Isaiah 40 in reference to himself
  • Duet 4- 'keep the law in the sight of the people'. They were commanded to keep the law in view of the gentiles. 
    • In reality the other nations see what happens when the people don't obey God
    • They are called son of Adam and Son of God. They were meant to be the one representing God as the offspring of God. Jesus fulfilled this. 


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